Washer & dryer hookups
Patio storage
Covered Parking
Floor Plans
1 Bedroom 1 Bath
758 square feet (approx.)
2 Bedrooms 2 Baths
1,040 square feet (approx.)
The apartment homes at RiversEdge feature a large, open great room concept with a kitchen, dining room, and living room. Choose from a one-bedroom or two-bedroom plan, each with washer/dryer hookups, covered parking, and patio storage. RiversEdge is private, comfortable, and a great value!
RiversEdge Apartments are located in Woodland, Washington, across the street from the Lewis River! This location provides easy access to I-5. The area is an outdoor-enthusiast's paradise with walking, hiking, and biking trails, water sports, and more.

Woodland School District
Woodland Primary School
Woodland Middle School
Woodland High School
© TMG Property Management Services NW
Please note: All information listed is believed accurate, but may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Rental property information not guaranteed and should be verified - consult broker for specific information. School availability subject to change. All information is subject to change and correction without notice. All liability is expressly disclaimed.