Portland Business Journal: TMG Named #1 Largest Minority-Owned Business in Oregon & Clark County, WA

Carmen was recently interviewed by Clark County Today:

Business Profile: TMG Family of Companies Focuses on People’s Strengths

The Portland Business Journal has named The Management Group the #1 Largest Black, Indigenous and People of Color-Owned Business in Oregon and Clark County, Washington. Rankings were determined by the number of employees. TMG was also ranked #5 by the Portland Business Journal for women-owned businesses.

TMG's President, Carmen Villarma, is a member of the Tlinget and Haida Tribes and a native Alaskan. She started The Management Group in 1985. A minority woman opening a business at that time was certainly not the norm. She was fortunate to have a mentor - the late Len LeDoux. Now Carmen is a mentor herself. She helps women who are interested in investing in real estate connect with the right people who can help them with the financial side of the business.

“When you’re a woman and a minority, there are a lot of challenges that go along with that,” she said, adding that she is encouraged to see the number of other businesses in the rankings. “It’s a good example to other women, and to other minorities, that you can be successful,” Villarma said. “It’s not without a lot of hard work and overcoming challenges, but the opportunities are always there.”

When it comes to hiring new talent, Carmen focuses on finding the best person for the job - male or female. Of the approximate 160 employees at the TMG Family of Companies, approximately 75% of them are women. Of the nine members of the Executive Leadership Team, seven are women. Her goal is to focus on her employee's strengths:

“We all have inherent weaknesses. So we try to say, ‘This is this person’s strengths. Let’s do everything we can to play to their strengths.’ Give them responsibilities that play to their strengths so they really are successful. We all have to manage the weakness part. That’s life. So if you can play to people’s strengths … just makes life easier. You get some good wins. It builds your confidence.”

Learn more about The Management Group's story and our Family of Companies. Interested in joining our team? View our current job openings.