Operation Home Rescue Makes Headlines on Front Page of The Columbian

On March 14 2023, Operation Home Rescue (OHR) made headlines on the front page of The Columbian, one of Vancouver, Washington's largest newspapers. This recognition is a testament to the impactful work that Operation Home Rescue is doing in the community and and for veterans in Southwest Washington.

Operation Home Rescue, a program administered and funded by TMG Cares, the non-profit division of the TMG Family of Companies, in partnership with the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center (CCVAC), assists veterans who live in Clark County, WA and who are physically unable or cannot afford to carry out their home maintenance and/or repair needs. Participants in Operation Home Rescue can receive a variety of home maintenance services performed at no cost, such as landscaping, minor repairs, and cleaning.

The article highlights the story of Linnea and Loren Kurtz, who were the recipients of the most recent OHR project home earlier this month. Loren Kurtz served in the National Guard following high school, and both of them worked in social services for many years. The two have lived in their Vancouver home for more than 15 years, since they moved to take care of Linnea Kurtz’s parents. Some of the repairs topping their list included a broken toilet, a hole in a wall and a broken kitchen light.

Read the full article on The Columbian's website.

Colten Cramer of TMG Maintenance Services NW, left, works with colleague Jordan Harrington as they remove damaged wood from Linnea and Loren Kurtz's back porch earlier this month. (Photos by Amanda Cowan/The Columbian)

If you are a veteran who is currently physically unable or cannot afford to do their home maintenance needs, please visit our website to see if you are eligible for assistance: https://operationhomerescue.com.


Operation Home Rescue is a program administered and funded by TMG Cares, the non-profit division of the TMG Family of Companies, in partnership with the Clark County Veteran’s Assistance Center (CCVAC).

Operation Home Rescue assists veterans who live in Clark County, WA and who are physically unable or cannot afford to carry out their home maintenance and/or repair needs. Participants in Operation Home Rescue can receive a variety of home maintenance services performed at no cost, such as landscaping, minor repairs, and cleaning.

By partnering with local businesses, our employees and the community, Operation Home Rescue creates a rewarding experience for the veteran and all the volunteers involved. If your company would like to be a part of Operation Home Rescue’s mission to give back to veterans in our community, please reach out to TMG Cares at tmgcares@tmgnorthwest.com.

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